Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Well firstly if you want to know if your axolotl is pregnant or not,  In truth they cant really be pregnant bacause axolotls do not carry babies, they have eggs.
You can notice this if there belly is very well rounded. The axolotl will probably start laying her eggs everywhere or where ever she can brush on, even the ground.
From then you can choose if you want to separate your eggs or not. But remember she will be laying hundreds of eggs!! you'll notice them of course they will have several layers of jelly like things around them.
Pregnant axolotl:
Axolotl eggs-
Axolotls can live up to 7-8 years, maybe even more if your lucky!
Do you guys wanna know how to breed them?
But it's not a good idea to breed a female when it's less than 18cm or it might get ill :(

4 fingers??

Wow! You know how axolotls only have 3 fingers?? Well this one has 4!
Hhhmm wierd huh?! heres a cute picture of 3 axolotls on top of each other ;)
Sort of... you get what i mean.

what you can feed your axolotl/s

If your wondering what you want to feed your axolotl what you can feed it are axolotl pellets,

They can be brought from petshops around your town  or city. This is a way of feeding your axolotl un-messily. It's what I prefer.

But if you really want a nice treat for  your axolotl you could feed it frozen bloodworms,

If you havn't got the time to go buy food for your axolotl yet an easy way is to get some pork or beef in the fridge and cut it into little pieces, (recomended in squares) and then feed it to your axolotl/s.
Before you  feed your axolotl any food, soak it in water for 5-8 minutes first, axolotls don't have very strong teeth. In  fact they don't really HAVE any teeth, they have more of a few hard bumps or lumps which they use as teeth. And also make sure that the piece of meat or food is not too big so that your axolotl/s can eat it easily.
Axolotls eat goldfish so if you own a goldfish don't put it in the same tank as the axolotl/s.
They will also eat live crickets and bloodworms.

Whats the gender?

I have always wanted to know how to spot the gender between female and male axolotls, it turns out there will be a bigger lump or buldge behind a MALE axolotl and a FEMALE will have a smaller one.

Male  axolotl-

Female axolotl-

 Male axolotls also have longer tails than the females.

Hello everyone!

This is a blog for people who want or have a pet axolotl and want to know more about them or how to look after them.
I will post videos and pictures of axolotls too so you can see more of what they look like.
For example how to feed them, care for them, or even breed!
Well I hope some information on this blog can help you with raising a axolotl/s too! :)